Remote Learning and Behavioral Health

How to identify your students struggling with a possible Mental Health crisis.

These are times like no other. Teaching “remotely” & “hybrid”, are new terms when it comes to educating our kids. In this unprecedented time of remote learning, the mental health and well-being of students has become a serious concern.

With the shift to remote learning, students have lost the informal interactions they had in school – from catching up in the hallways before class to eating lunch together in the cafeteria. Remote learning strips away everything but the academics.  So being aware and nimble is critical for both teachers and parents. From students feeling isolated and dealing with depression, to handling social-emotional challenges and experiencing long-term trauma, this has been a tough time for everyone!  Social and emotional learning are the soft skills students need to collaborate effectively with their peers; the ability to manage emotions, set positive goals, display empathy, and make responsible decisions.  Because of this, Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital would like to  provide you with the tools and information you may need to identify students who may be in crisis or in need of our collective assistance.

Prior to the pandemic, parents relied on the support and benefit of school staff to identify and assess students exhibiting mental health concerns. Recognizing a student struggling with a mental health issue is difficult enough, but working with children virtually and assessing need can be a real complicated endeavor and one that is unique to many!

Consider the difficulties that may have occurred over the last several months with kids who:

  • Are at-risk learners
  • Struggling with enough to eat
  • Lack of academic support
  • Have family who are essential workers
  • Are low income or have job losses in the family
  • Have family members who have had COVID experiences or succumbed to the virus
  • May have lived through violence or trauma during the pandemic
  • Missed major life milestones (birthday celebrations, lost sports and academic opportunities, lost scholarships)

Teachers’ roles in recognizing academic gaps, learning barriers and social/emotional health is critical now.  School staff should watch for stress traps, warning signs and symptoms for themselves and their students.

Identifiable Stressors:

  • Tense and nervous expressions
  • Lots of physical complaints and absences form school/work
  • Talking about nightmares, lack of sleep or being overtired
  • Apathy
  • Impulsivity
  • Over-preoccupation with COVID and current events
  • Quiet, sad, depressed looking and acting
  • Poor task completion
  • Irritable, angry, and easily frustrated with limited ability to regroup
  • Withdrawal from friends and other valuable relationships

This will be a school year like no other. Here at Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital, we stand with our teachers as they stand for their students.  We believe in your resilience and capacity for succeeding in these challenging times. Let us assist you if you need help!

Our Screening and Referral process is specialized for those requiring intensive, individualized level of care determination.  Our programs are there to intervene in a mental health crisis and provide stabilization and a finely tuned discharge plan to help someone move positively toward recovery from a mental illness.

Call our intake team or simply walk-in.  We are here for you 24/7.

Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital

Confidential and Free Initial Screening: (844) 580-5000

1004 Pawlak Parkway

New Lenox, IL 60451

COVID safety is applied during screening and hospital stays.