Being Thankful for Mental Health

By: Kevin Zwiers, MBA

For many of us, Fall symbolizes the upcoming holidays. Several of us enjoy the crispness in the air, the changing colors of the leaves on the trees, the smell of bonfires, and gathering with family members. There are those that dread the entire experience however, especially when battling a mental health condition. Individuals may feel alone or distant during these times. How are we addressing those concerns with those who are anxious, stressed, depressed, or just downright down?

The first thing we can do is to be cognizant that you, your friends, and family members are not alone. There are differing degrees of stressors during this time, especially with COVID-19 in the mix. Challenging times mixed with familial relationships can highlight an individual that has a mental illness. This can prompt negative thoughts or actions.

Talking about these stressors is one of the best things someone can do to combat someone struggling during this time. An attempt to get in front of a negative incident you can let people know that the situation or circumstance is uncomfortable. Taking moments to yourself can also allow these triggers to subside. Processing these thoughts and feelings can also aid in overcoming these struggles.

The holidays do not have to be a time to not look forward to, have unhealthy coping mechanisms, or socially isolate. This season, be thankful for friends and family. Don’t just put on a brave face and think everything is status quo. This year, be grateful. The health benefits can allow for a higher quality of mental health. Tis’ the season for embracing yourself and focusing on the long run of a happy and healthy mental state.

Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital stands with our community as we treat those with mental health conditions. As a community service, we offer free mental health screenings 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call us at (844) 580-5000 or walk-in anytime.